The I Mean Live Foundation is a nonprofit organization working to build a more empathetic society through the power of storytelling.

From a simple message left behind in the wake of a tragedy:
Our story

we found
our rallying cry

A note that says "I mean... Live!"

A note from our founder...

Chris DiFiore

Chris DiFiore

Founder of the IML Foundation
In a world where it is difficult to be different, we often sand down the edges of our authentic selves to fit in, feel safe and gain acceptance. Sometimes, we hide so much of ourselves that we lose what makes us special and connects us to others. We are surviving, but not truly living.

After my cousin tragically passed away, I found a handwritten note of his that read, “I mean... Live!” These three simple words typified Patrick’s way of life, and remind me to live my life to the fullest.

I want to spread Patrick’s message and encourage others to live fully and authentically as themselves.

Studies have shown that when minority populations see ourselves represented in media and pop culture, it has a tremendous positive impact on our mental health. I believe that stories have power, and through the I Mean Live foundation, I’m excited for the opportunity to bring more untold stories to life.

I Mean Live is a call to action. A rally cry of love and empathy to not just survive but thrive… to LIVE.

We noticed a gap in the industry

LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC creators face countless hurdles to get their stories produced, no matter the medium. When these stories do finally get told, they’re often diluted out of fear, losing the heart and integrity that made the story so imperative to tell in the first place. We plan to change that…

We believe the more authentic a story, the more an audience will connect with it. By controlling and protecting the creative process, IML will ensure the artist’s vision is at the forefront of every project from beginning to end.

With your help and IML’s mandate, we can play by a new set of rules to tell important stories that connect with audiences worldwide.

How we get
the job done

Our programs
Authentic Development


Empowering PSAs (Public Service Animations)

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